If you should ever experience a non responsive RConsole within RStudio on windows, try this: Terminate RStudioMake sure, RStudio Go to this folder: C:\Users\{your_user_abbreviation}\AppData\Local Delete this folder:RStudio-Desktop Restart RStudio Now chances are high, that your console is again working fine. What I had observed Suddenly, after having installed a new package in RStudio I wanted… Read more RStudio Console hanging?
Tag: R
Set-Operations on data.frames
Have you been loooking for a nice way to determine differences of sets of dataframes in R? There is a very cool package, part of the tidyverse from Hadley Wickham. See here, how simple it is to perform this task in R, with dplyr installed: If you would like to preserve the information contained in… Read more Set-Operations on data.frames
Change Local Library for R-Packages
You might have been wondering, that after having installed or updated your system to a new R version, the package installation Path within your RStudio still refers to your “old” location. In some situations, this might make sense. However, after changing to a completeley new version (main release number) of R, you might want to… Read more Change Local Library for R-Packages