Since the 8×8 LED Matrix Display I used in my marquee project is able to display 8×8 pixel sized letters and I am a great fan of the old Commodore 64 I designed the the font according to the C64 charset visible here: Based on the hardware reference provided here you can get the information… Read more Font Design for Raspberry Marquee Project
Category: raspberry pi
raspberry based projects
Create a Marquee with your Raspberry Pi
The aim of this project is to generate a marquee (scrolling text) using a Raspberry Pi and a 8×8 LED Matrix Display. If you don’t yet have a Pi, get one. I have bought a Raspberry Pi 3B+, which is powerful enough to run a Linux with a graphical UI. There are lots of web-shops… Read more Create a Marquee with your Raspberry Pi
Start programming you Pi
Here I describe the steps needed to start writing simple c programs on your raspberry pi. I did my experiments using a raspberry pi 3b+, you can use whatever model you like. If you don’t have a bootable SD card ready, please first follow the steps provided in this post. I installed ubuntu mate on… Read more Start programming you Pi
Setup a bootable Raspberry SD on Linux
In this post I show you, how to setup a bootable raspberry SD containing an operating system to boot from. The instructions are given using a linux based system, since it’s much faster and easier to perform than on windows based systems. On windows, in the last step you will need to download installers which… Read more Setup a bootable Raspberry SD on Linux