After the OSRM routing service is no longer available on Windows we have a good reason to try to run it in a Docker container. However, there are some hurdles that have to be overcome in order to get your daemon up and running. SInce I’ve gone through this, I write down the necessary steps… Read more Run OSRM in Docker on Windows
Category: programming
Set-Operations on data.frames
Have you been loooking for a nice way to determine differences of sets of dataframes in R? There is a very cool package, part of the tidyverse from Hadley Wickham. See here, how simple it is to perform this task in R, with dplyr installed: If you would like to preserve the information contained in… Read more Set-Operations on data.frames
Change Local Library for R-Packages
You might have been wondering, that after having installed or updated your system to a new R version, the package installation Path within your RStudio still refers to your “old” location. In some situations, this might make sense. However, after changing to a completeley new version (main release number) of R, you might want to… Read more Change Local Library for R-Packages
Marquee on a 8×8 LED Matrix Display run by a Battery powered Arduino Pro Mini
In this post I’ll show you how to implement a marquee running on an Arduino Pro Mini (5V). The project uses a slightly adapted version of the C source we developed for running the same project based on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. The main changes werd applied due to the two function void setup() and… Read more Marquee on a 8×8 LED Matrix Display run by a Battery powered Arduino Pro Mini
Font Design for Raspberry Marquee Project
Since the 8×8 LED Matrix Display I used in my marquee project is able to display 8×8 pixel sized letters and I am a great fan of the old Commodore 64 I designed the the font according to the C64 charset visible here: Based on the hardware reference provided here you can get the information… Read more Font Design for Raspberry Marquee Project
Start programming you Pi
Here I describe the steps needed to start writing simple c programs on your raspberry pi. I did my experiments using a raspberry pi 3b+, you can use whatever model you like. If you don’t have a bootable SD card ready, please first follow the steps provided in this post. I installed ubuntu mate on… Read more Start programming you Pi