Solve Knapsack Problem with Heuristics in R

In this post I’ll show a way how to solve the Knapsack Problem applying a simple greedy improvement heuristic and how to implement it in R. What is the Knapsack Problem? On Wikipedia, you find the following definition: “The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a… Read more Solve Knapsack Problem with Heuristics in R

Calculate an MST with Ant Colony Optimization in Python

Ant Colony Optimization is an old but still often applied construction heuristic to develop solutions using nature inspired behavior. The heuristic mimics the behavior of ants when finding shortest paths to between their nests and some kind of attraction, i.e. a food-source. The main idea are the pheromone trails, which ants leave behind, when travelling… Read more Calculate an MST with Ant Colony Optimization in Python