Marquee on a 8×8 LED Matrix Display run by a Battery powered Arduino Pro Mini

In this post I’ll show you how to implement a marquee running on an Arduino Pro Mini (5V). The project uses a slightly adapted version of the C source we developed for running the same project based on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. The main changes werd applied due to the two function void setup() and… Read more Marquee on a 8×8 LED Matrix Display run by a Battery powered Arduino Pro Mini

Solving the Rubik’s Cube using corners first method

Some time ago I organized a cubing-event in the quarter and presented the ‘algorithms’ – how move-sequences are called in the cuber-scene – to solve the rubik’s cube using the corners first method based on information provided by Victor Ortega. Here I present the material I developed in order to teach the people this method.… Read more Solving the Rubik’s Cube using corners first method